Kustomize as the Main Entrance for Change Management in Kubernetes

3 min readNov 11, 2021


image credit > https://www.instagram.com/p/B49q8GFFO06/ (my own photo)


One of my jobs is to manage the mediate size data center, running Kubernetes. One kind of challenges quite often rises up: how to make the change and how could we remember when/ how the change is made after 3 months?

For “how to make the change” is easy. There are various options available to change configuration in Kubernetes: updating chart in helm, applying yaml, directly editing deployment or statefulset.

But after 3 months, how can we remember this in a team? I lean to find out a solution to centralize the change deployment in standard method. kustomize comes into my sight.

Reference >


One of my customers wants to replace the default theme with a customized theme in Keycloak (Keycloak is running in one namespace in Kubernetes cluster). It’s possible to copy the customized theme in a docker image. Obviously you would have to keep update when base image is updated and maintain many images if you have 10 of this kind of customers.


I want to flexibly de-couple the customized theme and base image, when the change is applied into production environment. Here is one simple practice for example.

Apply a customized theme for KeyCloak by kustomize

Kustomize is Kubernetes native configuration management tool. Kustomize introduces a template-free way to customize application configuration that simplifies the use of off-the-shelf applications.

It becomes a kind of standard and the simplest way to manage configuration change in Kubernetes cluster.

Prepare customized theme property files for Keycloak

  • Create a directory customized_theme and copy customized theme file to ~/kustomize/customized_theme
ubuntu@worker1:~/kustomize$ tree customized_theme
└── login
├── login.ftl
├── messages
│ └── messages_en.properties
├── resources
│ ├── css
│ │ ├── login.css
│ │ └── login.css.orig
│ └── img
│ ├── favicon.ico
│ ├── feedback-error-arrow-down.png
│ ├── feedback-error-sign.png
│ ├── feedback-success-arrow-down.png
│ ├── feedback-success-sign.png
│ ├── feedback-warning-arrow-down.png
│ ├── feedback-warning-sign.png
│ ├── keycloak-bg.png
│ ├── keycloak-logo.png
│ ├── keycloak-logo-text.png
│ ├── customized_Background.png
│ └── customized_logo.png
└── theme.properties
5 directories, 17 files
  • Create a tarball for such directory (because configMap doesn’t like folder with files)
tar -cvf customized_theme.tar ./customized_theme
  • Create a configMap from the above tarball
kubectl -n shared create configmap keycloak-cutomized-theme --from-file=./customized_theme.tar

Generate base resource for kustomize

  • Extract keycloak statefulSet into keycloak-sts.yaml. Edit it and remove all runtime specification, such as creationTimestamp, softLink, uid, and status
kubectl -n shared get statefulsets.apps keycloak -o yaml | neat > keycloak-sts.yaml
  • Another option to generate a clean output yaml by yq
kubectl -n shared get sts keycloak -o yaml | \
yq eval 'del(.metadata.creationTimestamp, .metadata.uid, .metadata.selfLink, .metadata.managedFields, .status)' -

Generate overlaypatch YAML for kustomize

ubuntu@node1:~/kustomize$ cat keycloak-sts-patch.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: keycloak
namespace: shared
- name: theme
name: keycloak-cutomized-theme
- name: keycloak
- name: theme
mountPath: "/mnt"
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "tar -xvf /mnt/customized_theme.tar -C /opt/jboss/keycloak/themes/"]

kustomize patch

  • Generate kustomization.yaml for kustomize
ubuntu@node1:~/kustomize$ cat kustomization.yaml
apiVersion: kustomize.config.k8s.io/v1beta1
kind: Kustomization
namespace: shared
- keycloak-sts.yaml
- keycloak-sts-patch.yaml
  • Apply patch
kubectl apply -k .

PS. The reasons that I chose the image for this article: when I search kustomize, the customized motorcycle popped up and I ride Ducati bike.




Written by j3ffyang

ardent linux user, opensource, kubernetes containerization, blockchain, data security. handler of @analyticsource and @j3ffyang

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